Friday, August 2, 2013

Nueces Valley District Dental Society By-Laws

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N.V.D.D.S. BOARD MEETING - July 16, 2013

*  Meeting called to order by Pres. Jim Cooper at 6:00 p.m.

*  A. Cuellar made motion to accept report of last month’s meeting. No official minutes because there was not a quorum at last meeting.  Ralph Martin seconded motion and vote was made to accept.

*  Pres. Elect---- no report

*  Vice Pres.------no report

*  Financial Secretary report--- A. Cuellar reported on checking and investment balances

*  Program Chairman ----Carol Watt reported that she was working on lining up Dr. Canfield for Level I Sedation recertification Course, also Lois Banta for Practice Management Course. O.S.H.A. Course will be in April. Presented tentative speaker schedule for the entire year. Will firm up dates and speakers soon.

*  John Mason reminded board that we need three people appointed to Nominating Committee.

*  House Chairman Report ----- Eric Vela told board that T.D.A. President will visit our society in January

*  T.D.A. Report—John Mason reported that there are no new developments on  the T.D.A. employee pension fund investigation

*  John Baucum reported that the T.D.A. Board discussed the major issues facing dentistry and the T.D.A.

*  Unfinished Business ---Fred Philips announced that he will be attending Den Pac meeting and that we may go from one Den Pac chairman to a Den Pac committee in the future

*  A. Cuellar reported that the T.D.A. will no longer be hosting website for local components. We will get several proposals for the cost website design and maintenance from other sources and decide whether or not to pursue the idea.

*  John Mason discussed the idea of modifying the requirement for a quorum for both the board meeting and general meeting. Will bring up the idea at next general meeting for discussion.

*  Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.